


1.Seven jockeys completed the course, ignoring frantic attempts to hault them.

2.For most, it is a belief that the ‘spirit’ of the person, not the body, will find another life beyond death.

3.Millions of pairs of fake Levi\’s jeans have been seized all around the would.

4.Although counterfeit goods are costing companies around the world billions and billions of dollars in lost sales, most people are only too happy to take advantage of the low-price, \’imitation\’ goods on sale.

5.Although there are now a huge number of different religions in the world, there are certain basic things that they almost all have in common.

6.You probably won\’t recognise a fake perfume until you get it home.

7.If I was offered the job in your office, I would need to take two weeks off for the tour.

8.The boring of the Tunnel took three and a half years.

9.The police in England and in France have the power to arrest wrong-doers on each other\’s side of the Tunnel.

10.Some of the copies look almost exactly the same as the real thing, but the inferior ones often have bad stitching.



11.The Yangtze dolphin, Qiqi, was artificially fed, which is to say ________. 

he was an artificial dolphin

.he only ate artificial food

.he was fed by people

.he only ate a special kind of fish

12.January 12, 1980 was the day when Qiqi ______. 

was named

was caught

was born

was saved from a serious disease

13.The writer suggests that Qiqi ________. 

was used by researchers in many experiments

worked with researchers from many countries

helped to test the effect of many kinds of medicines

received training for performance

14.If Qiqi shows any signs of sickness, researchers will __________.


give him more fresh fish

.invite experts from the United States to cure him

.give him some medicine with fresh fish

apply a drip method to save him

15.The Yangtze River dolphin _______.  

.can be found in every part of the river

.is one of the most dangerous animals in the world

.is valued at $5 million

is regarded as one of the most precious animals in China



16.Mark Branner is unique in that __________.  

he is the first Sichuan Opera clown

.he is the first American clown teaching in Sichuan Education Institute

he is the first American learning the art of being a clown in Sichuan

17.Mark learnt his art in ________. 

Sichuan Education Institute

Sichuan Opera School

.Sichuan Teahouse

.The Drama Department of UCLA

18.Skills one needs to learn to become a clown include ________.  

singing and acting

recitation and acting

.acrobatics and acting

.all of the above

19.Mark was deeply moved by his Chinese colleagues because _______.  

.the supporting actors often helped him

.the musicians in the band helped the troupe to get funds 

.they showed high morale and devotion to the art of opera

.they got no pay for their work

20.Mark was able to perform splendidly because _______.  

.he had practised for more than 10 years

.he had been practising really hard

he was a professional clown back in the States

he had learnt the two plays at the UCLA



21.Madame Lu Shengrong was the first Chinese to be elected president of the International Badminton Federation. 

22.No one voted against Madame Lu in the 1934 IBF election. 

23.Lu was not confident in being the president of IFB

24.No other Chinese man or woman had been chosen to preside an international sporting organization before Madame Lu.

25.Madame Lu hoped that women could take more active part in the comprehensive work of the IBF.



26.Before the Olympic Games were started, women took part in sporting contests held exclusively for them.

27.In the early years of the Olympic Games, the competitors probably wore nothing during the races

28.The winners of the Heraia races were given a cow as a prize

29.Women were allowed to take part in the Olympic chariot races

30.The new rule that all trainers and athletes must attend the contests naked was introduced to keep men from taking part in women\’s races.

